Is Alexa Rank a Scam? There are Better Ways

Is Alexa Rank a Scam? There are Better Ways

I have to admit I was shocked today, I have had a few comments on the blog, and at wealthy affiliate asking whether Alexa Rank a scam. Explaining an Alexa ranking seems straightforward until I looked at their site and I was gobsmacked. The last time I looked at Alexa ranking, it was free and…

What a crowded Asian market can teach Internet marketers about marketing.

What can a meat market teach Internet marketers about marketing Asia is famous for its big cities all of which support massive populations, and they all need feeding and clothing; which doesn’t immediately make clear what a crowded Asian marketplace can teach Internet marketers about marketing. Characteristics of an Asian market All Asian markets serve…

Pre-Selling Boosts Afilliate sales through the roof

One of my difficulties when I first started learning affiliate marketing was understanding the difference between recommending a product and selling a product. I thought that essentially they were one and the same and that was a huge mistake. I failed to understand that pre-Selling boosts affiliate sales, because I couldn’t grasp what preselling was….

How to Build a Sustainable Ethical Business That Truly Changes Lives

Is it possible to Build a Sustainable Ethical Business That Truly Changes Lives? I believe it is, but it takes more effort and understanding than just grabbing the money and running. Many Internet marketers start out with the intention of constructing a substantial ethical business then settle for second best and just sell information for…